Monday, November 12, 2012

The One Who Was Mormon

Yes, I dated a guy who is Mormon.

Now, you may wonder-
 "What was it like to date someone who was Mormon when you're not?"

Well, let me tell you- it really wasn't a huge issue.
Considering he was one of the least Mormonie individuals I have met.

Let's just say he was not one to follow many rules.
Of course it did not make him a bad person!
Just maybe not the best boyfriend...

Big question on everyone's mind- How did you meet?!
Well- it all started when I surprised my best friend and visited her on her birthday.
She had already made plans with the Mormon that day, so we all hung out.

From the very moment we met, we bonded.
Over Eminem.
The rapper.
Yes, he is in fact my homeboy.

So the white girl with glasses and the tall ass Mormon 
had rap battles to Eminem's music. 
I won every time.

Well, the rap battles lead to dates,
which lead to our first kiss, which lead to a relationship.

From then on it was none stop fascination with each other.
Talking on the phone each night for 4+ hours.
Textin' all day evry day.

I even went on Mormon outings with his church, 
participated in a Mormon date 
(which consisted of hanging with 2 other couples who were on their first dates)
 and sat down with two missionaries as they gave me their spiel.
I was in it to win it people!

It was pure bliss for me and I truly thought he was someone I would spend 
a good long while with.
Fast forward 6 months and woah, I was wrong!
Epic fail.

Ladies, and even gentlemen, learn from me.
Believe what I say, ignore what I do!
That is the whole purpose of this blog.
That and having a good laugh at my expense. 

But Beware- If a guy (or girl)...
  • doesn't talk about you to their family or friends when you are dating them for more than 3 months
  • makes a big deal about putting pictures up of you guys on the book OR
  • refuses to drive an hour to see you when your car breaks down and you have no way to get to them
THEN they might not be in it to win it...

If only I could take my own advice and rewind this situation. 
I would be wiser with more money and less heartache.

But what is done is done.
During those 6 months, we dated, loved one another, 
reached a level I have never experienced before and 
I believe taught each other an extreme amount about 
who we are and what we want in life. 

He was the first guy to truly break my heart and 
show me what it means to truly love someone.

Sadly, all I was left with was a Book of Mormon, a moose and a flannel shirt.
All of which I mailed back to him...
I know, very Taylor Swift of me.

Now, this may have been one of the most difficult blogs I have written and 
re-written over and over again.
It will also be one of the hardest to know others have read.
But being such an influence in my love life, I figure it needed to be shared.

I mean come on, we names our imaginary dog...a little hard to let go of that!
But hey, I am putting it all out there for those to read, react, and judge.

I obviously do not have life's answers to relationships or 
know how to deal with relation-shits, 
but I can only hope blogging will help me find answers and a better understanding. 

"love is so short, forgetting is so long." - Neruda


  1. You can never trust those dang mormons! They'll burn you every single time.

  2. Eh, I have found a few good seeds that have yet to do me wrong :) So anonymous, do I know you?

  3. I think we may have been acquainted once upon a time. But you probably wouldn't remember me when things come up, I'm disposable like that. :)

  4. Is there a hidden message as to who you are in that comment...because if so, I sadly missed it. And I would never dispose of you Anonymous!

  5. How could you not dispose of me if you don't know who I am? Anyways, I stand by my comment that Mormons are all crazy and untrustful!

  6. Not true. Some of my dearest friends are Mormon and while one hurt me, you can't generalize. To each their own but in the end, I love them Mormons ;) I just won't be dating them any time soon.
