Sunday, July 22, 2012

The One Who Broke It Off

All good things must come to an end. 
This includes certain relationships.

Unfortunately, both Sutton children are once again single. 
That is right, my brother and his girlfriend broke up. 

While I would usually blame the guy in this situation, 
sometimes the girl is at fault.
Weird, I'm actually putting the blame on females?!
Who would have thought?!

Don't get me wrong, she is a cute girl and very sweet but 
bitches be crazy sometimes.

Example 1: Prom/Graduation

My college graduation fell on the same day as prom...
Yes, my brother dated a High School girl. 
Should have been the first indication of trouble. 

Somehow it was my fault that this happened and 
my brother was forced to come to my graduation. 
She was obviously not happy with this and that is when she began to hate me. 

I mean, she never said she hated me specifically, 
but I would guess when someone stops talking to you, 
that might be a pretty clear sign. 

Example 2: Meatballs

My brother skipped out on my grandmas home made meatballs to 
hang out with the girlfriend who did not want to come over. 
Yes, my grandma is a little crazy but her meatballs are amazing! 

My brother will literally hide them from people and 
not share any of his stash because he loves them so much. 
That is one powerful hold she had over him...

Example 3: The break up

Someone has to initiate the breakup and to some surprise, it was her. 
My brother took it surprisingly well and agreed that this was 
not the best relationship for them to be in. 
Super mature for his first relationship/breakup I would say.
This was not what she was looking for. 
 Her response to his acceptance of her breaking it off?

"Why aren't you fighting for us?!"

I'll give it to her. 
I am sure most females would say the same thing...
when they were in their teens, 
but in reality, maybe the relationship was just not meant to be
or maybe they will reunite one day. 
Who knows.

But wanna know the kicker? 
She deleted him and all of our family from Facebook- classic move.
Touche my former Facebook friend.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The One Who Caught The Bouquet

This past weekend was full of romance, booze, food and dancing the night away.

Yes, that means there was a wedding!
My cousin Nick and his beautiful girlfriend of many years finally tied the knot.

In the beautiful setting of Sonoma Wine Country, 
how could one not fall in love?

Well let me tell you! 
When you are surrounded by a bunch of people you're related to, 
it's kinda hard to find the one...

One thing is for sure, you can't have an Italian wedding without some drama. 
Have you seen the Godfather?!?

Surprisingly, the only drama was when my very Italian grandmother
could not find any wine at the beginning of the reception.

Thankfully she spotted the wine before she went crazy and 
grabbed some out of the box they were getting ready to set out.
Wild woman...

One thing not drama filled- 
The first dance!

True love right there.

 And of course they will live happily ever after...

But not before they throw the bouquet!
And guess who caught it?!?!

That's right! Yours truly. 
Only a few elbows thrown, but other than that, easy peasy.

But seriously,  I am surprised I'm not married yet. 
I mean, I have caught the bouquet about 3 or 4 times...

Flowers are easy. Guys? Hard to catch.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The One With Nothing To Text

There is a point in your life, 
whether it be with a friend or in a relationship, 
when you realize you have run out of things to text each other. 

Everyone just hits a point where you are texting just to text.
This needs to stop
and I think it is time to call those people out.
Which sadly, includes me.

I have a friend that I talk to on the regular just to pass the time.
I know, I should be present in my life and less consumed with the texting world.
Shouldn't we all?
But, I have yet to break away. 
One day...

So here is what I subject myself to on a daily basis-

"I just got home from the gym with my sister. Got some coupons for a smog check for m car for tomorrow. Now eating a peach. I don't know what it is right now but this is the best peach I have ever had. It almost became FB status material. How bout you?"

My realization that this has gone too far-
"That moment when you realize you really don't have anything to talk about...

"Not true at all! I have plenty to talk about! I can think of five different things to tell you but the peach was the most exciting one in the moment"

I think it is time to talk less and find new/more friends...

Monday, July 9, 2012

The One Who Thought I Was My Roommate

Living with four girls can be confusing at times.
Especially when it comes to other people
getting all of our our names straight. 

But how often do you confuse people over text?

Apparently it's not too hard, and you guessed it! 
Happened to me.

A little back story here-
I had met this guy in one of my communications classes
and thought he was pretty cute.
We went on a class field trip and exchanged numbers 
because we were in the same group.
And that was the last time we hung out...

Then the next semester comes around and I still had his number in my phone.
I have a problem deleting numbers...
I seriously have people from High School that I have not talked to in years.
Obviously an issue in my life. 

Turns out he knows a mutual friend of mine and my roommate Savanna.
Well, Savanna went to lunch with him and our friend 
and apparently he thought Savanna was hott stuff.
He wanted to hang out with her again and when he thought she texted him,
he went for it!

Fast forward to a week later-
Savanna and I were at our house when we decided to have a party. 
We began to text our friends/acquaintances
which included the guy Savanna had just met.
Since I had this guys number, I texted him an invite. 

That is when the confusion started. 

Somehow he thought I was Savanna inviting him but I did not pick up on this. 

He texted back saying he could not make the party
but asked to hang out that week. 
Thinking he still had my number in his phone,
I assumed he knew who I was!


Excited, thinking the cute boy remembered me,
we set up a time and place to meet- a brewery of course.
Maybe I should just stay away from booze and boys...
Unfortunately, he had to cancel last minute and this was his message-

"Sorry Savannah, but I can't meet up today. My group wants to meet for our project. 
Let's meet up later this week!"

Ummmm, last time I checked, my name was Ali...
and Savanna does not spell her name with an 'H'.
So after reading this, I was super confused.
Luckily, Savanna was sitting right across from me when I got this text. 

Busting up laughing, I told her what just happened to me. 
We both laughed at my ridiculous luck with the male species 
and tried to think of what to say in response.

With nothing witty to say, I awkwardly said, 
"So this is going to be a funny story one day. This is actually Ali, Savanna's roommate. 
I think you may have mixed us up..."

His response?
"Haha. That is funny. Well, since we are talking, I know you work at the advising center. 
Do you think you could help me with my resume?"

What kind of response is that?! 
At least he is planning for his future I guess...
Of course I said yes and helped that fool out
and then we never talked again.

Well that is the last time I agree to hang out with someone 
who has the hots for one of my roommates. 
Surprisingly, he did not ask for Savanna's number and we have yet to run into him again.

If only we actually met up!
Could you imagine?!?!