Monday, October 8, 2012

The One Who Asked "Can I Get Yo Numba?"

Asking for a guy or girls number takes a lot of courage. 
Giving away your number to a stranger take a lot of trust.
If you do not have either of these, then your contact list may be minimal...

Personally, I have not asked someone for their number 
(Call me out if I am wrong though. If I asked for it, I am sure I contacted you. 
So, you would have my number. Obvi.)

But, I have experienced people asking for my number.
If you recall, that is how I got into trouble with "The One Who Was A Planner."
(Yes, there was a blog about that)

Giving out your number can be dangerous, but mostly entertaining for all involved. 
Unless they go all stalker on you, then time to change yo number.

While there have been a few a gentlemen asking for my number, 
I have yet to experience anything like this...

All I can say is- I WISH!
Obviously a very effective way to get a number.
I'd give mine out!

But when my roommate was approached regarding the release of her digits, 
it did not go the way most would hope. 
It was a unique strategy.
Who knew social media would be used to get a number 
from someone you just hung out with.

This is what my roommate came home to on Facebook
after a night of hanging with some peeps
Guy we just saw: "So I was a fool and did not get your number. Mine is..."

Roommate: "No need for numbers. I'm sure I'll see you around."

"Oh dear..."

I give the man credit for reaching out and trying to get her number.
Takes some balls to do that, so hats off to you!
But, I also give my friend credit for not leading him on.
Yes, it may have been a harsh response but wouldn't it be worse if she 
gave her number and ignored all of his messages? 

I do wish it had worked for the guy...
BUT Guys/Girls- 
Don't give up!
Not all girls or guys are going to be this blunt!

Keep on putting yourself out there and asking 
"Can I get yo numba?" 
Someone is bound to say yes!

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