Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New Site Underway!

I have an announcement to make-

There will be a new Relation-Shits blog coming your way!

myrelation-shits.blogspot.com will officially launch September 2nd!

Since starting Relation-Shits 2 years ago, 
I have received compliments, complaints, death threats 
(ok, maybe not that intense BUT I did get some pretty harsh words...)

I have been overwhelmed with the support 
of my friends, family and strangers around the world.

So thank you to everyone who has read, commented, supported, edited, 
provided relation-shits and given me shit for my relation-shits.
You make it all worth it!

See you September 2nd!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The One Who Was Romantically Challenged

In the ever so clever and honest words of Carrie Bradshaw- 
"Are we romantically challenged or are we just sluts?"

 Dating has drastically changed throughout the years.
My first high school boyfriend asked me out over AIM-
and for those of you who don't know what AIM is, I feel old...

AOL Instant Messanger was the hot thing when I was a teen.
But now it's just a distant memory for us 90's babies. 

My second high school boyfriend set up a huge scavenger hunt 
to ask me to prom, using my friends as clues leading us to the beach.
Awesome, I know!
But grand gestures also seem to be a beautiful past time.

Now a days it's all about Tiffany's bracelets and Michael Kors watches 
to show how much your significant other loves you.
Seriously, where do all of these young college guys get that kind of money?!?

Well, I thought each flame of my past would prepare me for the men 
I would encounter post high school and college...
but of course, once again, I would be wrong in the whole dating department.

I recently met a guy through my online dating adventures 
and we ended up going on quite a few dates which consisted of 
going out for dinner, homemade dinner, movies, bowling, coffee, 
going out on his boat and a movie night as his place. 

During those dates, which spanned over a month and a half, 
he never tried anything.
No hand holding, no arm around the shoulder, no kiss, nothing.
Yes, that may sound very G-rated but you have to start somewhere right?   

But then you get the guy who wants to do it right then and there,
even if that then and there is in your garage after knowing him for a day!
But hey, at least he tried something right?

There never seems to be a middle ground.
It's either they/you get nothing or they/you want everything...
So how do you reach a happy medium without being a slut or man whore?

I'm not sure on that answer but what I can say is that I don't believe romance is dead. 
While I am not looking for my husband at this point in my life or 
looking to be a hump and dump to that guy at the bar,
I am looking for someone who is willing to put their all into a relationship.

That does not mean buying an expensive gift to show me you care,
but maybe that's just the way this generations expression of love is viewed?

As a "too legit to quit" 90's baby, 
I was exposed to the grand gestures of 80's movie re-runs on TV
where it was all about the moment that was created 
and not about the fashion statement it created.

Material objects break, get lost and become "so last season."
And yes, memories do fade too-
but hopefully you will have that person who created that memory 
with you by your side 
to remind you of how great that moment you once shared was.

So express your love in whatever way you think 
your significant other will be able to grasp how you feel.

If that means spending hundreds, more power to ya and is your work hiring?
If that means putting together a homemade card with flowers 
from your neighbors yard, at least try to ask your neighbor first...

As long as you are willing to put your all into the gesture of love,
no one will care about the price tag,
but they will still post that shit on FB so put a little effort into it!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The One Who Loves Workaholics

Yet again I find myself exploring the online dating world.
Mainly out of curiosity,
but also you never know when Price Charming himself will pop up in a message.

Or Leo DiCaprio.
I mean, he is single now...
I can dream can't I?

Well Prince Charming has not shown up yet 
but a close second has made his way into my inbox!
We had briefly chatted a few months ago but he was leaving for a European adventure.
To my surprise, he came back and messaged me again!

"My Euro trip was totally tight butthole. Still single huh? You can buy me a drink. 
It might help you feel better :)"

Notice anything off about that message?
The fact that he thinks I would buy him a drink?!
Think again mister!

Oh and the fact that it involves the phrase "tight butthole."
I'm over here thinking-
'It must be one of those damn auto corrects and 
he really meant to say his trip was totally awesome and life changing.'


So I responded-
"Totally tight butthole?"

Turns out he was making a reference to Workaholics,
which is a show I watch and have totally heard the 'tight butthole' reference
but did I think to associate our conversation about his Euro trip to a TV show?


But I guess that just means I'm off of my game...
And Workaholics references. 

Dammit Ali!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Relation-Shit Special: Is Social Media Stalking the New First Date?

I am pleased to announce that someone actually enjoys my writing!
And of course it would be a dating website...
Either way, someone not related to me is reading and I appreciate it!

An online dating site called Smarter Dating contacted me via twitter 
and asked if I would write an article for their blog pertaining to dating.

How could I say no to that?!
I love writing, I love dating (shocking, I know) and I love social media!
When ya mix all of those together to create a blog post for an online dating site, 
you just know dreams really do come true. 

So here it is!

(Check out the actual post here) 

Is Social Media Stalking the New First Date?

By Alison S.

I messaged him on Facebook, he followed me on Instagram, I subscribed to his YouTube page, he friended me on Facebook, I followed him on Twitter and then he texted me. All of this just to stalk one another only to find out he has a girlfriend. Why go through the trouble of getting to know the social media side of someone when that’s just who they want you to think they are?

Unless you consider FBO friendships to be the real deal then this guy and I are social media BFF’s! Hell, we are practically internet married with all of the commitment and time we spent friending, subscribing and following each other. So why is social media the go to medium when it comes to meeting people these days? It’s simple; you can investigate before you get into anything!

Before the internet and cell phones, yes- that time did exist, people actually met face to face! But now everyone (including me) hides behind computer screens and smart phones. Online dating is a perfect example- I recently got into the online dating scene and it’s a love/hate relationship. I love the fact that I can check out their grammar, what they’re interested in and their “details” i.e. how tall they are, if they smoke or whether or not they want kids. All things you could find out by actually meeting them, but instead you can do it without the awkward back and forth questions. You can go through a list of guys until you find your “perfect match.” But are they really your “perfect match” or just the best sounding option?

I have found out that it’s not all about what you think you want and who would be the best option as a mate, because I have had some great contenders- such as my secure firefighter that has strong career goals, a house, a dog and even a boat! Total package right? Maybe for someone, just not for me. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have the total package in a significant other, but you need to find someone that makes you better not just the one that comes off better on paper.

It is a rare find, but they do exist. I found one once but he didn’t know what he wanted to do with his life, had zero saved for his future, and was afraid of growing up. For most girls this not an ideal match, but the fact that he made me a better person than I ever thought I could be, I don’t think I could ever stop loving him. Will we ever be together again? Who knows, but until then- online dating, I’m here to stay!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The One Who Wanted a Sugar Baby

Time for another round of online dating 
"Did he really just message me that?!"

Yes, I am still participating in online dating shenanigans,
but I'm not as deticated as I used to be. 
It's just so much work to create compelling conversations via messaging, 
plus first dates are so nerve raking and make me want to puke.

But, I'm young, I'm figuring out my life and 
I'm ready to make stupid decisions within my dating life. 
Why stop now? Right?

Once again I began the search for my online dating Prince Charming
and I ran into some interesting contenders... 

Lorefall: "So do you have a job? I need a woman who can support me while I 
play video games all day."

fzfzfzfz: "Do you believe in alien abductions?"

I just left those two alone...

SpringSocial: "You write a blog about how you make an ass out of yourself? 
That I got to read."

So I sent it to him.
He liked it and said we could go on a date as long as I didn't write about him...
Let's just say we didn't make future plans.

Fit-N-Educated: "Well don't you have that sexy nerd thing down."

Sure, I could work with this.
I mean, he IS fit AND educated!

So I looked as his profile under the section 
'I spend a lot of time thinking about...'
His answer?
"the future, space; I'm a thinker and I call it mental-masturbation"

Obviously my kind of man.
But now for my favorite message!

MatthewJ707: "Are you interested in a sugar daddy?"

I'll never forget watching "True Life: I'm a Sugar Baby"
because it was super creepy and gross but at the same time fascinating!

So I responded, obviously,
 but sadly he was attempting to be sarcastic 
because my profile says that I am a very sarcastic person...


(Check out my first round of weird messages here!)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Special Edition: Because There Is No Fool Like An Ol' Fool

It's rare to find a someone who is liked by his enemies.
Someone who helps all and never lets anything get him down,
even if that thing is about to take his life.

I had the honor of knowing a man like this for 9 short years 
and he taught me lessons that I still carry with me today.

I'd like to introduce you to this man...

He was a coach, an athlete, a teacher, a son, a brother, a husband, an uncle, 
a best friend and a father.

Today is his birthday and I wanted to honor him by sharing some of his life lessons.
He may not have had all of the answers, especially when it came to Relation-Shits,
 but damn did he make some good points...

Lesson #1:
"If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life." -P.S.

Why waste your time working a job you hate?
Life is too short to spend it doing something that makes you miserable. 
Find something you love, that makes you wake up in the morning not hating life.
That is the dream job.

He found this in teaching, which as you know is not the biggest money maker
 but that didn't stop him from working after the bell rang.
He put his all into teaching each student life lessons, 
not just what was in the text or how to win a basketball game. 

Make the most out of your job and don't stop where your job description ends.
Make it your own and you'll never work a day in your life.

Lesson #2:
"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out" -John Wooden

 John Wooden was his hero on and off the court, 
so it is no wonder he applied his lessons to his life as well. 

He taught everyone around him that it does not matter what happens to you, 
what matters is how you react to it.
And no one knew how to turn a shitty situation into a positive one more than this man.

He battled colon cancer and would constantly say-
"What am I going to do? Sit around and cry about it?"

Lesson #3:
“The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” 
- John Wooden

Now, I don't have many long lasting relationships to look up to in my life, 
but one that would have lasted forever was the one he had with the love of his life.
Never have I heard such stories of love for ones significant other or children.

It is rare to find a man who enjoys staying home with the children, 
taking them for bike rides, dancing like a fool in the living room with them or 
teaching them how to play any and every sport.
He just genuinely loved being a dad and 
he showed his children that you can be a great dad and a great husband.
One does not have to be sacrificed.

Now, you may be wondering,
"Who the hell is this guy?! He sounds super amazing! 
I would totally want to be BFF's with him!"

Well, this man I am speaking of is Paul Sutton, 
my dad and one of the biggest inspirations in my life.

I strive everyday to make him proud and not completely embarrass the Sutton name...
but if you know me, you know I can be pretty embarrassing.

Now that you know I am related to this great man, 
you must be thinking this is all bias...

A wonderful writer from the LA Times named Mike Bresnahan 
wrote numerous articles about my dad in the 90's. 
One article said he was  
"known less for his record as boys' basketball coach than for teaching life lessons 
to [his] students in his 14 years at the school." 
(Back in the day...even at 5'10 he ruled the court)

 One of his best friends Dan the Man said-  
"He just won with the talent he had. He did it the way it was supposed to be done--
the right way, for the right reasons. He didn't do it for the headlines. 
He did it for the players."

And even a rival basketball coach could not find fault -
"He was a masterful coach...He was good to the young coaches...
veteran coaches were inspired by the fact that they had to do everything they could to beat him. He was so innovative, we all used him as a resource. 
And there really wasn't an ego." 

When he ran out of sick days, 
teachers and coaches practically lined up to donate their sick days to him.
"Sutton needs to be remembered as a coach who won 166 games and three league titles, and for realizing that what happened off the court was infinitely more important."
And it showed, with a 700-person reception after his funeral, 
you knew he made an impact on people's lives. 
Not just as a teacher, but as a friend and a mentor.
So honor those teachers and individuals who go beyond their job
and show you that we don't always live in a nine to five world.

Appreciate those around you and let them know you would do anything for them.
Don't let competition deteriorate a friendship and always be a gracious loser,
even when it pains you to shake the hand of a winner.

Always look on the bright side of things no matter how much life sucks,
and never shy away from being an ol' fool. 
Life is too short to hide your crazy self.

Happy 55th Birthday ya ol' fool.
Cheers to you and good old Van the Man!

Van Morrison (aka Van the Man)- "Brown Eyed Girl"

Friday, March 22, 2013

The One Who Was a YouTuber

You meet people in the most unlikely places...
Especially when you are accompanied by your mother.

This past weekend I went home to SoCal for a short vacation.
My mother and I decided to go out for some lunch at the Macaroni Grill, 
yes the place where you can draw on tables...

Our waiter comes up to us and looks oddly familiar. 
While I tried to figure out who he looked like, 
he starts talking about how 24 is SO old and 
that he has already seen so much in his short life.

"In the last few years I have been through two girl friends and one orgy."

My mother being the cool, hip chick that she is, responds by saying-

"Only one orgy?!"

I buried my head in my menu and tried to change the subject to my lunch order
before he or my mother could go any farther with the orgy talk.

 Once we started to order, I realized who he looked like!
Andy Samberg!

For those of you who don't know who that is, I am embarrassed for you.
Only the best of the Lonely Island trio and is a hilarious SNL alum.

Here, take a look-

(Yes, this is my jam)
 So of course I had to ask him about it!
"I'm sure you get this a lot, but do people tell you that you look like Andy Samberg?"

"Yes they do. I actually have a YouTube video of me in Time Square pretending to be him. Here's my YouTube name."

Thankfully you can write on the tables and he shared his YouTube name with us. 
As he walked away, my mother was already trying to find it.
I think he pulled it off pretty well...

So being the very funny guy that he is and being the very single girl that I am,
my mothers first thought was-
"You guys should totally date!"

Because any guy will do at this point in her eyes.
But unfortunately she did not keep this thought to herself...

"You should totally date my daughter. Haaaavvvvvvveeee you met Ali?"

Yes, she pulled the How I Met Your Mother line, 
which, if you recall from this blog post
did not work out too well for me in the past. 

With awkward laughs all around, he told me to stalk him on YouTube 
(he is a professional YouTuber. I know, so cool.), 
Facebook and Instagram. 

So what do I do?
What he told me to do of course!
How else am I going to get into the YouTuber circle just so I can meet DailyGrace?!

So now our friendship is FBO,
which you know I take very seriously...
Can't wait for the Relation-Shit blogger and the Hydration=Happiness Vlogger 
to become BFF's!

Check out his videos and go stalk him on social media, he loves the attention-

Oh, and sorry ladies/gentlemen/readers- rumor has it he's taken. 
And no, not by me.
On to the next vlogger!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The One Who Was European

So, I went on a date with The One With a Business Card 
and no, we will not be furthering the relationship...

He is an artist.
But not any old artist.
He is the type of artist where you over pronounce the 'I' in his title.

Let me show you the difference:

Artist: "A person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria" - Webster Dictionary

Art[I]st: "A pretentious individual whose art (usually terrible, overly-wordy poetry, but can apply to paintings, prose, etc.) no one 'gets' - Urban Dictionary

Now that we cleared that up, 
I'll give you a little run down of the date. 

Being the punctual person that I am
(and just being paranoid about getting lost and being late)
I arrived to wonderful Oakland about 15 minutes early.
I texted my hopeless romantic to inform him of my earliness and 
that I would be wandering around.

No response.

Our meeting time of 1PM hit and there was no sign
of my tall, dark and handsome Grecian God!
I was being stood up. 
In Oakland!

Have no fear, he pulled through.
Turns out his bike broke so he had to walk...
 And in true European fashion, he greeted me with a *Kiss Kiss*

We took a lovely stroll around the beautiful man-made Oakland lake 
where he referred to himself as an 
art[I]st, filmmaker, poet, and a romantic multiple times. 

We then took a seat by the lake on a blanket he brought
(all romantics have one on them)
and got to know each other more.

Here is what you need to know about hopeless romantic Greek men 
who give you their business card- 
        • They wear scarfs no matter the weather. 
        • They talk about themselves and what makes them unique. 
        • And they have no shame in their preferred sexual activities.
Yes, sexual activities.

How do I know this?
Oh, because he brought up that part of his life as well. 

Not only do I know all about how his parents met in the states 
but soon moved back to Greece after having him 32 years ago, 
I now know that he is into some interesting stuff.

"I think it is so crazy how Americans are anti PDA. In Europe people are making out everywhere."

Que me freaking out to thinking he was suggesting we make out...

"I mean, I know they are all polygamists and into S&M, but they will never talk about it. Like me. I enjoy orgies and bondage but I can't advertise that because 
Americans are so reserved!"

With a nod of my head, I knew this was never going to work out.
Not because he is open about what he is into,
but because he lives 45 minutes away from me 
and you know, long distance is just so hard these days... 

 But if anyone is into hopeless romantic Greek men 
who are into kinky stuff and can read you some poetry/paint you a picture/
photograph you/make a film about you-

I know a guy...