Sunday, April 7, 2013

The One Who Wanted a Sugar Baby

Time for another round of online dating 
"Did he really just message me that?!"

Yes, I am still participating in online dating shenanigans,
but I'm not as deticated as I used to be. 
It's just so much work to create compelling conversations via messaging, 
plus first dates are so nerve raking and make me want to puke.

But, I'm young, I'm figuring out my life and 
I'm ready to make stupid decisions within my dating life. 
Why stop now? Right?

Once again I began the search for my online dating Prince Charming
and I ran into some interesting contenders... 

Lorefall: "So do you have a job? I need a woman who can support me while I 
play video games all day."

fzfzfzfz: "Do you believe in alien abductions?"

I just left those two alone...

SpringSocial: "You write a blog about how you make an ass out of yourself? 
That I got to read."

So I sent it to him.
He liked it and said we could go on a date as long as I didn't write about him...
Let's just say we didn't make future plans.

Fit-N-Educated: "Well don't you have that sexy nerd thing down."

Sure, I could work with this.
I mean, he IS fit AND educated!

So I looked as his profile under the section 
'I spend a lot of time thinking about...'
His answer?
"the future, space; I'm a thinker and I call it mental-masturbation"

Obviously my kind of man.
But now for my favorite message!

MatthewJ707: "Are you interested in a sugar daddy?"

I'll never forget watching "True Life: I'm a Sugar Baby"
because it was super creepy and gross but at the same time fascinating!

So I responded, obviously,
 but sadly he was attempting to be sarcastic 
because my profile says that I am a very sarcastic person...


(Check out my first round of weird messages here!)

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