For those of you who know me (or read me blog),
you know that I
venture to the bars almost weekly.
There is seriously nothing else to do here.
It's really one of my only options- sorry mom.
Now that I have graduated from college, still going out every Thursday night
is almost something I am not proud of...
is almost something I am not proud of...
but hey, it's summer right?! I still have time.
the bar scene has the reputation for being the place
to get girls
numbers and hook up with guys.
All of this cannot happen without a pick
up line to get the conversation started.
Unfortunately, most pick up lines I have encountered have put the conversation to a halt.
here are the
Top 10 Pick Up Lines
I have heard at the bars this past
year and
some commentary on what me and my roommates were really thinking:
10) "Next time I see you, I'll buy you a drink."
Now yes, this is a nice offer but not when I already don't have a drink
in my hand and I am in need of one. Not saying I rely on guys to buy me
drinks, but why wait? Oh, I know. You're hoping the next time you see me,
I'll be too shit faced to remember, won't need a drink and will be
ready to just go home with you. NO! That's not how it works...killin' me
boys and no, I did not get my promised drink.
9) "Next time I am sober and see you, I'll ask you out on a date."
This was an interesting one, considering I was sober and he
was not that drunk...if you are actually interested in asking me out,
then do it! If I care that much, I will probably remember! But
considering we only see each other at the bars on Thursday nights, I
doubt a sober evening will ever be in our future. But it's the thought
that counts right?
8) "What would you do if I started dancing with you?"
Well sir, it depends on how/where you started dancing with me.
If you sneak attack me from behind, chances are I will either freak out,
turn around and say "I did not invite you back there" or I will dance
with you long enough to get the sign from my friends on whether or not I
should continue this wonderful moment. Let's see which one happens for ya.
7) "What are you doing tonight?"
laughed out loud when I heard this one. First of all, we were both at
the bar, so I would hope he knew what I was doing that night- going to
the bars. Oh but no, he wanted to know what I was doing AFTER the bars.
My response? Sleeping. Alone.
6) "Why are you so awkward around me?"
So I keep hearing that I am awkward. From multiple people in various
friend groups of mine...Not sure how to feel about this one but I guess I
should just say it. Yes, I am an awkward person. But when I guy starts
flirting with you, sometimes you are awkward because you don't know how
to react. Well, that's what happened. I mean, wouldn't you be awkward if
a guy you had no interest in kept asking you to stay over after the
bars? No? Just me?
So there is the first half of the Top 10 Pick Up Lines this year.
Check out the last five tomorrow!
And now, I leave you with a video
on pick up lines that I think we can all learn from-
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