Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The One Who Was Romantically Challenged

In the ever so clever and honest words of Carrie Bradshaw- 
"Are we romantically challenged or are we just sluts?"

 Dating has drastically changed throughout the years.
My first high school boyfriend asked me out over AIM-
and for those of you who don't know what AIM is, I feel old...

AOL Instant Messanger was the hot thing when I was a teen.
But now it's just a distant memory for us 90's babies. 

My second high school boyfriend set up a huge scavenger hunt 
to ask me to prom, using my friends as clues leading us to the beach.
Awesome, I know!
But grand gestures also seem to be a beautiful past time.

Now a days it's all about Tiffany's bracelets and Michael Kors watches 
to show how much your significant other loves you.
Seriously, where do all of these young college guys get that kind of money?!?

Well, I thought each flame of my past would prepare me for the men 
I would encounter post high school and college...
but of course, once again, I would be wrong in the whole dating department.

I recently met a guy through my online dating adventures 
and we ended up going on quite a few dates which consisted of 
going out for dinner, homemade dinner, movies, bowling, coffee, 
going out on his boat and a movie night as his place. 

During those dates, which spanned over a month and a half, 
he never tried anything.
No hand holding, no arm around the shoulder, no kiss, nothing.
Yes, that may sound very G-rated but you have to start somewhere right?   

But then you get the guy who wants to do it right then and there,
even if that then and there is in your garage after knowing him for a day!
But hey, at least he tried something right?

There never seems to be a middle ground.
It's either they/you get nothing or they/you want everything...
So how do you reach a happy medium without being a slut or man whore?

I'm not sure on that answer but what I can say is that I don't believe romance is dead. 
While I am not looking for my husband at this point in my life or 
looking to be a hump and dump to that guy at the bar,
I am looking for someone who is willing to put their all into a relationship.

That does not mean buying an expensive gift to show me you care,
but maybe that's just the way this generations expression of love is viewed?

As a "too legit to quit" 90's baby, 
I was exposed to the grand gestures of 80's movie re-runs on TV
where it was all about the moment that was created 
and not about the fashion statement it created.

Material objects break, get lost and become "so last season."
And yes, memories do fade too-
but hopefully you will have that person who created that memory 
with you by your side 
to remind you of how great that moment you once shared was.

So express your love in whatever way you think 
your significant other will be able to grasp how you feel.

If that means spending hundreds, more power to ya and is your work hiring?
If that means putting together a homemade card with flowers 
from your neighbors yard, at least try to ask your neighbor first...

As long as you are willing to put your all into the gesture of love,
no one will care about the price tag,
but they will still post that shit on FB so put a little effort into it!

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