Friday, December 14, 2012

The One With Those Three Little Words

I love you.

No, seriously. 
I love you.
If you are reading this, 
I love you.

Chances are, we are-
                                                        a. Friends
                                                        b. Ex's
                                                        c. Acquaintances
                                                        d. I have never met you... 

Either way, there is a good chance that I loved you at one point.
Or maybe just kind of liked you.
Or there could be a good possibility that we hate each other.
I don't know, but thank you for reading my blog.

Now, why am I saying this to you?
Because, it seems that those three little words are very difficult to communicate.
At least for my friend and her boyfriend of a year.

So, when are you suppose to say it?
I love you.
Is there even a real time line or a 'use by this date' slapped on it?

Being that I have had my fair share of relationships/shits in the past, 
I have many different experiences with this topic.

Experience #1
The first boy to say it to me...
The Year? 2004
The Grade? 8th
The Location? Over the phone

"Ali, I love you."
 "Hahaha thank you? I have to go, bye."

Obviously, I was a very mature 14 year old,
but come on!
It had only been two weeks?! 
And at 14?!

Unfortunately I was not in love at that time-
Thus why I broke it off 2 weeks later.
Why did it take me so long you may ask?
It was during winter break, 
so we only saw each other one week out of our relationship.
Good times.

Experience #2
I cried and then he said it...
The Year? 2008
The Grade? 12th
The Location? His car

We had been dating for about 5 months and I knew that I loved this kid,
but he said he was not sure how he felt.
 Of course I started to cry to my friend about it...

Then about a month later, my boyfriend and I had a serious talk
and for some reason 
(that I cannot recall now)
we sat in his car because cars are just serious like that.

We both began to cry and that is when he told me he loved me.
Cute? Sure!
I just hope my crying is not what convinced him.
I guess we will never know...

Experience #3 
This unfortunately is not my experience, 
but my cousin Leo's story is just too good not to share.

The Year? 2010
The Date? Oct. 31st
The Location? Colorado for his sisters wedding

Yes, one of my cousins had her wedding on Halloween...
And yes the groom was dressed up as a zombie.
True love right there.

my cousin Leo and his girlfriend had been dating for 8 months.
Quick flashback to their first date- 
he came hung over and left her to sit alone in the restaurant 
while he puked in the bathroom. 

Obviously, they hit it off right away.
He knew his feelings for her were growing and 
figured it was finally time to let her know.

As they were sitting on the couch watching Conan O'Brian, 
he turned to her and said
"I love you."

Nothing says I love you more than Halloween, your sisters wedding and Conan.
They are still together today and going strong.
Shocker, I know.

So, should it matter how long you have been dating before you say those three words?
Is it possible to be too early or too late with them?
Who should say it first- the guy or the girl?
Will Conan's show really last that much longer?

So many questions that plague us on a daily basis. 
And it seems as if we will never know the right answers.
For my friend and her boyfriend of a year,
she is fine not saying it just yet.

She knows they are good for one another
and that should be enough for any relationship.

Now, if they don't want to make it FBO?
Relationship Status Changed To- SINGLE!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The One With the Hashtag Problem.

Remember this guy?
The one who thought I was sick? 

Well surprise, surprise! He actually contacted me again! 

4 days later...

The texts started off with 'getting to know you' questions, 
but then things got interesting.
This is the charming conversation I was lucky enough to have with my bar boy:

Bar Boy: "I'm a Sonoma State legend"

"How so"

"Beats me.Some people have greatness thrust upon them..."

"Lucky you."

"I mean, I am really fucking cool. But it's not all I talk about"

Such a cool guy.
Can't wait to get to know him more!
And so the conversation continues...

Bar Boy: "I don't believe in humor. Life is too short to make jokes"

"Life is too ridiculous not to!"

He continued with how he creepily knows everything about me, 
but then the subject of TVs came up...

Bar Boy: "I don't really enjoy TV...except I have two dope TVs in my room #richkidproblems."

Did he seriously just hashtag in a text?!

Bar Boy Continues: "But I have realized that money is not everything. 
I know I'm going to be rich so I've worked hard on other aspects of my life."

"Such as?"

"Relationships, being healthy...heavy drinking"

"I don't really understand why you are saying this to me..."

"On that note, I am done texting you lol."

"Nice getting to know the real you."


I mean, at least he loves me?
Fast forward a week and this is what he texts me-

"Whatcha doing. It's Tuesday, time to get drunk!"

Yeah, I was already asleep when he sent this one to me, 

So the next day I responded with-
"Sorry, was already blacked out. It was a Tuesday after all."

"Fair enough. I was pretty drunk myself."

It has been about a week now and I have not heard from my bar boy.
But it is almost the weekend...
which means there may be a chance of some entertaining texts coming my way.

Fingers crossed.
I just know this one is a keeper.