Being in a sorority has its perks, like being able to go to formals again.
While they are the highlight of the year,
they sometimes come with some stressful situations.
Like finding a date.
I have learned a lot through this recent formal season, especially when it comes to reserving a date...
Here are some things I have learned through this process that those attending formal next year might want to look out for-
People To Avoid Asking To Formal:
- If they have to ask their mother, chances are they cannot attend...
- If the first thing they ask you is if they will be spending the night, chances are they will be groping you all night...
- If they hesitate when you bring up the idea of formal, chances are it's not their scene...
- If they have the tendency to not follow through on plans, chances are something will come up right before formal...
- If they don't live in the area, chances are they won't drive 6 hours to come to formal...
- If they don't live in the area, chances are they won't drive 6 hours to come to formal...
If any of these scenarios occur during your formal date search,
your best bet is taking a close friend, and in my case, it was my meatball.
Who would have thought finding a date would be so hard!
Well if you're me, it is one hell of a challenge that I was not prepared for.
Being left dateless with 9 days to spare (yes he had a pretty good excuse)
I figured it was time to bring in the meatball.
It was my last formal and thankfully I had a great time!
Yes, it was a shit show, but those are the things that make for great stories, right?
Thank you meatball for being such a great date!
And thank you to all the males that taught me to always have a back up!
Or in my case, five...
Or in my case, five...
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