My brother is a simple guy.
No silly sayings on his shirts.
No silly sayings on his shirts.
Plain blue jeans everyday.
He would rather be watching an old black and white movie
He would rather be watching an old black and white movie
than going to a rager with his buddies.
Being the introvert that he is, there is not much time for interaction with the ladies.
At 19 years old, he has yet to go out on a date...
Until NOW!
Unfortunately, it did not turn out quite the way he had hoped
and this is how he explained it to me-
and this is how he explained it to me-
Brother: "So I met this girl in my video class and I asked her to dinner.
We get to the restaurant, order our food and started talking about movies,school and all the other date-like topics you would expect.
Then she hits me with the ultimate date mood killer."
Girl (In valley girl voice): "So I probably should have said something earlier and I don't know if you know,
but I am in a relationship with someone."
B: "I could not believe she was dating someone and went on what I though was a date with me! Then I was thinking, why would she tell me this now?
Why not wait until after I have paid for the damn meal!
Why not wait until after I have paid for the damn meal!
So once the check came, I was like SPLITSIES!"
Now there is a lesson in this for both genders and it is unfortunate for my brother to have to go through this "date" to find it out.
But fortunate for me so I can blog about it!
But fortunate for me so I can blog about it!
A bitter-sweet story I would say.
This goes for both males and females- don't lead anyone on!
If you're into them, take the risk and go for it.
If not, lay it down for them straight.
Don't go for that free meal that we all love.
You will sleep better at night, maybe not with a full stomach, but you will know
If you're into them, take the risk and go for it.
If not, lay it down for them straight.
Don't go for that free meal that we all love.
You will sleep better at night, maybe not with a full stomach, but you will know
that you did not hurt anyone along the way.
Definitely SPLITSIES!!!