Facebook. The torture chamber of past relationships and hookups.
You try to stay friends and act "cool" but you can't stop yourself from seeing those updates, posts, and pictures of the old flames of your past.
Yes, you could block them... but what if something hilarious happens to them? Then you miss out on justifying that you are ultimately better off without them!
Except when it comes to the Facebook world. You need them there. So don't pretend like you keep to yourself while passing time on the book. You know you look up old friends, family and flames to see what everyone is up to. Unfortunately, you may find things you don't want to see...
Like your old flame in a new relationship. That damn heart on your feed, in your face, all day for you to stare at. Why Facebook, why? While Facebook has many annoying and depressing aspects, there is one perk to it all- messages.
Now, this may be a down side for some of you depending on which messages you are looking through. But for me, it served as a pleasant reminder of the amazing friends I have in my life.
I was on the ever so popular social networking site and feeling shitty about some Reltaion-Shits popping up in my life. Because, of course, I stay friends with them all...
I was looking through old messages for fun and found one from a good friend that was dated back to 2010. So long ago, I know. This boy, who is not a Relation-Shit, nor do I for see him as being one (thought I have been wrong before)
reached out to me when he saw another boy break my heart. And this is how it went...
"So, forgive me if this is weird or random,
but I heard about your situation with (insert boys name here).
I know we've never been super close or anything,
but i want you to know that I think of you as a good friend
and if you need to talk or anything, I'm here for you.
And not to brag, but I just so happen to be an excellent listener."
Yes, this blog is suppose to be about Relation-Shits, but
sometimes Relation-Shits can lead to wonderful Relation-Ships!
Because of a silly boy at the time, my friendship with the boy who messaged me has grown and time after time he has proven to be one of the most caring friends around.
So thank you heart-breaker. Because of you I now have an amazing friendship, a great listener, and a funny individual by my side!